Jonny’s Sister have been getting ‘Pretty Muddy’!
A few weeks ago
Leanne and Lisa took part in Cancer Research UK’s Pretty Muddy 5K run in
Bristol. You may have heard of the standard Race for Life, but how about doing
it up and down hills, over obstacles, and covered in mud!? Completing the run
in just under an hour, they did us proud!
Hundreds of ladies
dressed in pink ran, skipped and jumped around the course- some of us sadly
weren’t up to the challenge! Here are some pictures of the eventful day; Leanne
managed to whip out her camera just before they got caked in mud!
Did anybody else take
part in Pretty Muddy this year? The JS team would definitely recommend it,
getting down and dirty whilst raising money for charity- what’s a better way to
spend your afternoon!?